19 March 2010

The untold total...

I know I've been a bit whiny about my sickness lately (well, okay, the last month, at least!), but it's not to be mistaken for not wanting to do this or that I really feel sorry for myself.  On the contrary, it's quite lovely to have something like this going on during a sickness to keep me from just staying in my cozy bed and sleeping until I am better...can you imagine the hibernation period?  Anyway, I am incredibly grateful for the support I have received from everyone.  Through words of encouragement (even those that tell me to quit sniveling and get my whiny butt out there), the donations to support such a great cause, and those that head out on rides with me - both my Team In Training group and others outside my group.  Thank you.  Not all of that is reflected in my status bar  - but those intangibles are incredibly valuable and appreciated. 
Speaking of my fundraising status bar, there are several mail donations I have mailed in that are not reflected yet - so it's not always showing the tangibles, either.  When everything is finally in, my total as of today is actually $3970.  Only $1030 to go until I meet that goal!  Incredible.  Thanks so much everyone - for all you do!  I will use the positive thoughts of each of you to complete that ride tomorrow.  Hard to complain about 70-degree weather here in March.  Spring is here and I am starting to think my cold may really be newly developed allergies.  Bring it, pollen, I won't quit!

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