- Check out the list below for my body parts that are still available and decide which part(s) you want.
- Click on "Donate Now" in the right column of this page and donate the minimum required for that part. Donate TWICE the price and I will sport your message starting with the flight out to Tahoe on Friday, June 4, through to the end of the ride on Sunday!
- Email me so I know what part(s) you want.
- Prior to June 6, you tell me what you want on your ad or send me your tattoo. Your message can be in memory or honor of a cancer survivor, it can be for your business, it can be "I own Heather's left cheek!," or just a simple message of encouragement - whatever...so long as it is not in poor taste to others.
Note: As I do list who bought each part, please let me know if you want to be anonymous.
Left Helmet (Head) - This is my logical side and, therefore, worth a bundle folks...pay up!$50 SOLD @ DOUBLE in memory - thanks Dawn! Ah...a decorated headdress for the weekend!Right Helmet (Head) - You'd better send a creative message if you want this side.$40 SOLD to Build Creative Group: http://www.weliketobuild.com/! Thanks! Another doubled amount. Awesome!- Face - Hmm...marker or tat on my face...likely to still be there on the flight back home...that's gonna cost you: $200
Neck - Strangle me with your message. Remember though, I'm already at higher altitude for the ride and having a hard time breathing. Choke me on the cheap!$25 SOLD @ double!!! Tat on its way. Scary.... thanks Frank!Back - This will be the most visible message to most riders...as I plan to pass them!$100 SOLD! Thanks for having my back, mom & Todd. :)Left Breast (Heart) - While I wouldn't normally favor one over the other, this one is associated with my heart, it's definitely worth more. $75SOLD!! This bag of fun sponsored by Brian Fornelius!Right Breast - The ride is for LLS, but if you want to remember or honor someone that fought breast cancer, this is the perfect place! (See how I made that totally clean for all you dirty-minded people?) $60SOLD! And this one is brought to you by Garit! Thanks boys!Stomach - Be my fuel throughout the race. 100 miles burns a lot of calories...give your message here some substance!$50 SOLD in memory. Thanks, Pat!Left Arm/Right Arm - These are important for shifting, braking, feeding and watering myself, and will be exposed skin areas, as I'll be wearing a short-sleeve jersey.$35/arm BOTH SOLD! Thanks, Josten, Marie, & Jax!Left Hand/Right Hand - Much like the arms, hands play an important role, but they are smaller.$20/hand Both SOLD - thanks, Josten, Marie, & Jax!Left Butt Cheek/Right Butt Cheek - Plenty of room for a good size message on either side here.$40/cheek Both SOLD - Thanks Robyn!Left Quad/Right Quad - This is where most of the power is, so send a powerful message for these babies.$50/quad Both SOLD - Thanks Dad & Barbara!Left Calf/Right Calf - Exposed skin and part of the powerhouse. These are called the Johnson calves in my family - they mean business!$30/calf Both SOLD - Thanks Mike!- Left Shin/Right Shin - While I would prefer a massage over a message here, as I do get shin splints, please give me a message of hope for this space! $25/shin
- Left Foot/Right Foot - I hope your message is worth covering up my adorable red cycling shoes! $20/foot - Big toes will be sporting smiley faces for Sunny Park's donation...Thanks Sunny!
Make me work for you, while we work to find a cure for blood cancers!